WUSOC 2016


WUSOC2016С 10 по 16 февраля 2016 года в Тульской области недалеко от города Алексин пройдет Первый Чемпионат мира среди студентов по спортивному ориентированию на лыжах!

Официальный сайт спортивного мероприятия — http://wusoc2016.ru/ .

На этой странице будут размещаться материалы для подготовки волонтеров со знанием английского языка. Здесь вы найдете глоссарий, содержащий необходимый лексический материал, а также задания для чтения и аудирования.

Следите за обновлением материала на странице!


WUSOC 2016 (Part 1): General Vocabulary + Orienteering  (.pdf)

WUSOC2016 (Part 2): Badges + Venue + Access Codes + General Information (.pdf)

WUSOC2016 (Part 3): General Terminology + Anti-Doping + Food and Beverage + Medical Issues + Media Operations (.pdf)  NEW !!!

WUSOC2016 (Part 4): Uncategorized Vocabulary (.pdf)  NEW !!!

WUSOC2016: Внимание! На образовательном сайте ‘SPEAK LANGUAGES’ (https://www.speaklanguages.com/english/vocab/countries-and-nationalities) размещена, пожалуй, исчерпывающая информация на тему ‘Countries and Nationalities’ (в формате Country — Adjective — Nationality — Inhabitant).  NEW !!!



Занятие 1: Volunteering + Classification of Volunteers

1) Reading 1: Volunteering, Classification of Volunteers, Traits of Character (.pdf)

2) Reading 2: WUSOC 2016 (.pdf)

3) Listening: Volunteering + Transcripts (.doc) + MP 3 (1 — A Podcast about Volunteering; 2 — Volunteering Helps You Live Longer)


Занятие 2: Accommodation and Transport

1) Vocabulary: Accommodation_Transport_Vocabulary (.pdf), Accommodation_Transport_Vocabulary (.doc),

2) Listening 1: Accommodation_Listening (.pdf), Accommodation_Listening (.doc)


3) Listening 2: Transportation_Listening (.pdf), Transportation_Listening (.doc)

4) Speaking: Accommodation_Transport_Speaking (.pdf)

5) Extra Task 1: Test on Accommodation: MOSKVA_HOTEL (.pdf), KEYS are included!

6) Extra Task 2: Reading Test on Hotels and Accommodation (.pdf),  KEYS are included!


Занятие 3: Sport

1) Sport-Related Vocabulary: SPORT_Vocabulary+Exercises (.pdf)SPORT_Vocabulary+Exercises (.doc)

2) Listening 1: SPORT_Listening_1 (.doc)SPORT_Listening_1 (.pdf), transcripts are included.


3) Listening 2:  SPORT_Listening_2 (.doc)SPORT_Listening_2 (.pdf) + SPORT_Listening_2_Transcript (.pdf)



Занятие 4: Host City – Tula 

1) Vocabulary + Listening Exercise: Host City: Asking For and Giving Directions (.pdf)

2) Speaking Practice: Exercises: Asking_For_And_Giving_Directions (.pdf)

3) Guessing Game — Host City: Do_You_Really_Know_Tula? (.pdf)

4) Listening: Tula: the_City_of_the_Pryanik_and_Samovar (.pdf) The worksheet is based on a radio program produced by ‘The Voice of Russia’. The audio and the script are also available at http://sputniknews.com/voiceofrussia/radio_broadcast/36563396/36571705/ Transcript is also included into the worksheet.

5) Video: Russia Today Video — Old Russian Cities: Tula (.doc, multiple choice test + KEYS). Video fragment description: «In the next adventure of the Wayfarer, Mark Ames takes a trip to Tula, a famous town of craftsmen. He visits the collection of old Russian weapons, gets a good deal for a samovar, bakes himself a traditional Tula cake called a pryanik, lives a life of a Russian peasant and learns how to drink tea Russian-style. Finally, to round it all off, he gets shot in a paintball game.» (Russia Today) — Tula (.doc), Tula (.pdf)



6) Translation Practice: 5 Facts About Tula That You Probably Don’t Know (.pdf)


Желаю удачи!